6 Strings and 23 years

This is an all instrumental album dedicated to the pure sound of the acoustic guitar. The 11 tracks on this album vary in style from flamenco, to country to rock, to fingerstyle guitar. I collaborated with two other guitarists namely :

John Anatrella dsc00137.jpg (139570 bytes)dsc00138.jpg (140006 bytes) who is a childhood friend from the neighborhood I grew up in in Commack, Long Island NY


Ryan Rhodes dsc06097.jpg (90652 bytes)who I ve been playing with, and stealing riffs from, since we were in a band together back in 1988-89.

Both John and Ryan add diversity to the guitar styles represented on this CD. John wrote and performed track 5 (Second Thoughts) and co-wrote tracks 6(Mudslide) and 8(A Walk In The Park). Ryan co-wrote track 9(November Night Blues). Both John and Ryan are accomplished guitarists in their own right and have completely different styles from one another as well as from myself, which makes for some real interesting "first-take keepers." One highlight on the album is track 10, which is a cover of the Ernesto Lecouna classic "Maleguena", which I originally learned while taking classical guitar when I was in my early teens. The recording is all digital and sound quality is pristine. Actual recording and mastering were done at Big Studio NY.

This album was inspired by the Windham Hill/Taylor Guitars release "The Sounds Of Wood and Steel."Which is a compilation of various well-known guitar virtuosos such as Michael Hedges, Leo Kottke, Russ Freeman, and Doyle Dykes, to name a few, playing original and cover songs written for the acoustic guitar. If you like Windham Hill and their style it is a good bet you will enjoy "6 Strings and 23 Years."

Click on the link to listen


A Bit O' Country

Chasing the Wind

A Touch Of Gaelic

Second Thoughts


The Old West

A Walk In the Park

November Night Blues

Maleguena (by Ernesto Lecuona)

Best Times


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